Friday, December 6, 2013


December 1 was a very exciting morning in our house! Our scout elf Chippy arrived! Not only did he arrive, but he brought us a delicious breakfast right from the North Pole! It consisted of snowballs, elf pillows and even reindeer poop! I know, we keep it klassy in these parts. But for real, these little cards were super cute! I found a picture on Pinterest. Of course the link didn't take me to an Etsy shop or anything, so I had to search high and low to find where I could get these! I could always make something up myself I'm sure. But look how cute these are! There's no way I could have done all that. Finally, I found them here!

Of course Chippy needed a little nourishment of his own. I mean he flew all the way from the North Pole, carrying all this stuff, and then had to set it all up for us. Unfortunately for Chippy, Monkey got to his 'Reindeer Poop' before he did! Hey Chipster, you snooze, you lose in these parts!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

My Crafty Monkey

Christmas is right around the corner! I can't believe it! Nothing is better then home made Christmas decorations. I know, they're kind of tacky, but they're made with love! The same can't be said for those expensive made in China decos you can get every where. Although, for the amount of glue used in this project, it may have been cheaper to just go and buy some decorations at Target lol. Do you see the mound of glue he's got going on there?
 It was great to talk to him about Christmas while we were doing this. He wanted to know why his tree had a star and our tree had a princess. Good question. The truth of the matter is, Mommy's Cricut cartridge didn't have an angel, only a star. Take what you can get.
God bless his preschool teachers. Even more, God bless their glue budget! I think he would have tried to use the whole darn container if I didn't stop him. Rude, I know! What's even worse, I sucked some of the glue back into the bottle! The horror!
 The finished product! He was pretty proud of his tree. It went on the fridge until daddy got home, then we needed to put it in a window. It took a few tries to get this picture. Every time I would ask him to look at me and smile, he would put the tree in front of his face.
I designed everything on my cricut craftroom software and then just cut it all out at once. I really enjoy the software, you can see where everything is going to be, so you only have to load your mat once. It's a real time saver.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Busy, busy, busy!

DECEMBER?! How did this happen? It has been CRAZY in mommyland, let me tell you! I have been wanting to renovate our living room for pretty much ever! Finally, my husband agreed! YAY!!! It was a little over a month of hard, HARD work! My husband worked 12+ hours a day at work and then would come home and work a few hours here. As you can see, we took everything out! We started October 19th after supper time, and we had our new furniture delivered November 20th!
As you can see in these pictures, there us horrid wallpaper, with horrid wood wainscotting. My mom loved it. I think she was ready to disown me when I told her our plans lol. And to top off the green room of horrid, what awful green carpet. Don't get me wrong, the low traffic areas, it was very cushy. High traffic was like a cement floor. It did not age well. Not to mention, years of kids and animals, you can imagine the stank that came out of that bad boy. *barf*

So the plan was to remove all the horrid, take out the bar area that we had been using as an entertainment center, patch where needed, paint, and new carpet. Easy peasy, right? BWHAHA that was our first mistake! nothing ever goes as planned! The horrid wood was tar glued onto the walls! So there were these big clumps of stuff that we couldn't remove. Great! So this meant....ripping out all the dry wall and starting pretty much from scratch! Yay...right? Right?
I'm not going to lie, the demo part was really therapeutic. I hated everything in that room, so it felt amazing to just rip it allllll out! I have some awesome kids who were more then happy to help with the clean up. I think they would have liked to help more with the power tools, but safety first boys and girls!

I really thought the drywall dust was going to be the end of me. I'm not kidding. I was twitching by the end. That stuff gets every where! I have really thick hair. It got alllll in my hair and it seriously felt 20x thicker. Not to mention how many times I had to shampoo to get it to feel normal again. I reallly would have liked to pay someone to do this. But with Christmas coming, we were on a budget. So DIY it was. Thank God for a handy hubby!
These tiles are the only thing that we paid full price for, everything else was on sale! Again, we were on a budget! But look at these tiles, they were totally worth it! That little area cost just about as much as the carpet for the rest of the room, but they're beautiful! We all need a little splurge every now and then, right? We tiled over tile, the lazy way ;) It wasn't until we started dry fitting the wood look tiles that we realized the person who did the original tiles, didn't make the area symmetric. Not awful, but not ideal at all :/ Oh well, some things I need to learn to live with. If you're looking for something like it, the only place I found in SW Ontario was Lowe's.

Finally, the finished product. Again EVERYTHING was bought on sale! Furniture, lamps, carpet, drywall, everything, but the tile! Here you can see my adorable little monkey posing in front of the tree. That's right he has no pants on, he was getting ready for bed. I am in love with this room and how it turned out. But am in no hurry to do it again any time soon lol.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Organizing Gift Cards

Gift cards seem to be the 'in' thing to give these days. I know we enjoy getting them. The boys love going to stores and picking out what they want and giving their card for it. My wallet was busting at the seems with gift cards, and that was just a small fraction of them lol. We had a stash in the car, a stash in the kitchen, and a stash on a shelf in the living room. I needed to figure something out so that they were organized, and not taking up valuable real estate in my wallet

I've recently became obsessed with Thirty-One. Mostly because it's just new in Canada, and I'm pretty sure it's only in Ontario. I've spent a lot of time lusting over their beautiful, coordinating, organizational product for a long time. I was so excited when they came here, and even more excited when one of my very good friends signed up to sell! I'm also slightly obsessed with Chevron. So it was an added bonus that they had a Chevron print. I ordered this coupon clutch because I thought it was cute. I wasn't totally sure what I was going to do with it. Maybe try the Dave Ramsey system and use this to organize the cash for our budget Odds are my husband would never take this to the hardware store, which would defeat the purpose. I don't use coupons, it just seems like a lot of work to save $0.40 on a can of tomatoes. Then it hit me! Why not use this for alllll of our gift cards! 

It worked perfectly! I broke it down into 5 categories - Food, Household, Clothing, Kids, and Tim Hortons. Everything is in one place. No more digging through my wallet to discover that the Build-A-Bear gift card is in the stash on the shelf, no more promising the kids McDonalds only to realize we forgot their gift cards (Not that I would break a promise over a silly gift card, but they love paying for their own stuff with their own 'money') If my husband is going some where, he knows he can find the gift cards in clutch in my purse. Now comes the fun part, putting all those gift cards to use! 

Sorry for the informalness of the pictures, I was outside playing with the boys when this idea hit me.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

We LOVE Summer!

Well if you want to call this summer that is! I can not believe how COLD it's been this year! We've hardly been in the pool this summer :( But I'll give it to my boys, they don't let the cold weather stop them. They're still wanting to go outside and play on the trampoline or in the sandbox as soon as they're done breakfast in the morning and wanting to stay out until supper time. Which isn't that really what summer is all about? It's so hard to believe that in less then three weeks Bear will be starting Grade 1, the following week Monkey goes into his last year of preschool, and the week after that Bear turns 6. It makes me sad to think just how quickly time is going by. This summer our lives have got much slower and have allowed us to take every possible minute to drink up all the fun times.

As nice as it's been to have quality time with just my adorable little men, I'm looking forward to getting back into the routine that school brings! And don't get me wrong - I LOVE my kids more then anything, but the time has come lol. Bear and I are on a countdown to when he goes back. Him because he loves school, me because I love packing lunches :O lol I'm already planning lunches for the first few weeks. I've ordered some new fun lunch accessories. You can bet I'll post about that soon :)

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Turning a New Leaf

First off, this is a long post, so go to the potty, refill your coffee, and site tight, you're going to be here a while ;) I'm sure not many who are reading this knows, but this Summer I'm turning 30. I've really struggled with it. Maybe struggled isn't the right word - I obsessed about it. From about the time I turned 25, I thought 'Oh no, I'm closer to 30 now then I am 20'. My 20's were FULL! Buying a home, getting married, having 2 beautiful babies. What was left? The only thing I could think of was growing old. Living the same life day in and day out. Just going through the motions to pass time. How fun was that? Who would look forward to that kind of life? Is THIS what I had envisioned my life being? I don't want to be 'that person' who is perpetually board/disappointed/underwhelmed.  What was I teaching my kids by just living life, not experiencing it?

In the process of stressing over turning 30, a lot of things in my life took a hit. My house because cluttered, I hate clutter. I wasn't the mom I wanted to be, again - how fair is that to my kids? They didn't ask to have a mom like me. I was treating people not the way they should be treated, and not the way I wanted to treat them.

One day, when I was sitting around feeling sorry for myself, wondering when my time for happiness would come around. It hit me! Happiness would never, E-V-E-R come to me unless I made it happen. Sure, some things in life just happen, but for the most part you need to make it happen! Some might say you're the luckiest person in the world to win the lottery, but had YOU never got up, gone to the store and BOUGHT the ticket, it never would have happened! That day I decided to kick everything that wasn't making me happy.

I had been doing home daycare for 5 years. I started when Bear was just shy of 1. I LOVED it! It was great, he had little friends that came over and played every day. I got to be the mom I wanted to be, make some money to help with family expenses and still let him have the social experiences that we felt were important for children. I was actually asked to go back to my old work when I was first pregnant with Monkey, and flat out refused because I was loving what I was doing. When Monkey was born I took 12 weeks off. My plan was 6, but he was a bit of a crier, and I was hoping we could get past that before we had kids come back. But we didn't! I wasn't liking it as much. I was tired, I had an infant that I was always trying to juggle with my own toddler and a handful of everyone else's toddlers. It was really hard. As time went on, the love wasn't coming back. But I was doing it for the kids. So they would still have their play time with friends, and so I could still make money to the fun things in life with them. As time marched on, I noticed my kids starting to feel the way I was about having other kids here. They didn't always want to share their toys with kids that were just wrecking them. I don't blame them. I was getting sick of buying nice toys for my kids, just to have someone else's kid ruin them. They didn't want to play with certain kids who they didn't like. I found my two kids going off to their bedrooms to play with each other. I was totally detached from their lives. Missing out on the moments that were so important. Missing out on them building a life long friendship. Missing out the reason why I stayed home in the first place. I didn't want that! Early this Spring, I decided that that was enough, I was going to quit doing daycare. No one was liking it, it was interfering with my kids lives and activities.

This past week, I said goodbye to the kids and the families who I loved so dearly. They were awesome. They totally supported me and understood whey I was done. In turn, this week I was able to go to Bear's Kindergarten graduation, his school play day, and his year end school trip, and help with Monkey's preschool's graduation, even though he wasn't a graduate, I was able to just go and help, so the parents there could enjoy and watch their kids. I'm looking forward to helping out at Bear's school next year. Being able to go in and volunteer for different programs that I haven't been able to for the last two years because I've been tired down with other people's kids. I'm looking forward to being a backup teacher at Monkey's preschool! Able to go and help in the classroom when one of the teachers is away. Something I haven't been able to do in the 4 years I've been involved in the preschool.

In the past few years my house has taken a toll. It's become cluttered and disorganized. Which isn't me, I've always felt there's a place for everything, and everything needs to be in it's place. Which hasn't been my house for sometime. With mess comes chaos and chaos breeds chaos. This spring we rented a dumpster and we just started to throw away stuff that we didn't need, was broken, or just weren't using. Don't worry, nothing that could have been any use to anyone else hit the dump! We still have a ways to go, but I do feel more at ease in my home.

I've also decided to set an hour a day for me time. I can't tell you how exhausting it can be to spend from the time I get up to the time I go to sleep taking care of everyone else. I know how this is going to sound, but I couldn't even find time in the day sometimes to get a shower in. I would shower right before I would go to bed because that was the only time I would have free time. I would wake up in the morning with a hot mess on my head from tossing and turning all night with wet hair. So whether it's to shower, or meditation, exercising (which is also a goal for me, to exercise more) I'm taking an hour!

Now I'm not saying this is the answer for everyone. But it's the answer for us. We're not going to have the nicest, trendiest house on the block, but we're going to have peace and happiness. Don't worry, we're not on our way to the poor house. Getting rid of the unhappy in my life isn't going to break us. At the end of the day, on the grand scale of your life, does any of that really matter? Or is what's pictured below what really matters? For everyone the answer if different. For me the answer was very clear. Life is to short just to live life. I want to experience it, and I want them all to experience it too.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Good Bye Kindergarten!

Where has time gone? It seems like just yesterday I was panicing about if Bear was ready for school? Will he be able to open his lunch containers by himself? Will he be too shy to ask for help? What if he's too shy to make friends? He was going to get on a great big school bus at 9 in the morning and not return until 4 that afternoon...ahhhh!!! I really thought there should be cameras in the classrooms connected to a website where parents could log on and watch to make sure their kids were okay.

So today was the big day! After 2 years in Kindergarten (JK& he didn't fail!), it was time to say good bye...unofficially, the last day isn't until next Thursday. The 2 SK classes gathered in the gym, where they had a slide show going to various songs that proved to be tear jerking. They had cute songs about kindergarten to the tune of 'The Adams Family' and 'Summer Lovin'. I'm not going to lie to you, it was pretty much the cutest thing I have ever seen! The kids were then called up one at a time to shake hands with the principal, the teachers and the EA and receive their diploma. Again, most adorable thing EV.ER!

I can't believe in September I will have a little boy in Grade 1! I know it's only a matter of time before I'm sitting in the gym watching him graduate high school :(