Thursday, August 30, 2012

If you give a kid a camera...

You might end up with 20 pictures like this one! Bear has got into the habit of grabbing my phone and snapping pictures. Some are pretty good. The boys and I along with a friend of mine and her daughter went camping a few weeks back. There was a little petting farm in the campground. Bear took my phone and was going around snapping pictures of all the animals, except the ones that were too stinky in his opinion. It's cute to see things from their point of view and what they find interesting.

This on the other hand? Now I'm not going to confirm or deny which finger this is. I'm pretty sure it's not the 'bad' finger. This picture was taken inside the trailer. There's a series of fingers, then me changing Monkey's diaper, himself and of course, no photo shoot would be complete without the ever popular window shot!

Give your kids a camera and see what they take pictures of.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Last Week of Summer

Today kicks off the last week of Bear's summer vacation and the last 2 weeks before Monkey starts nursery school. It sort of makes me sad to think that my little baby will be going to nursery school two mornings a week. I'll have the house to myself 2 mornings a week! What ever will I do ;)

This past weekend we were spoiled with some beautiful weather! It's been pretty chilly here this past week, even dipping down to 7*C one night! BUURRR Not ready for that yet! Needless to to say when we hit 30*C this weekend it was very welcomed! Saturday Bear had his last baseball game. After ball we came back home and lounged around the pool all day!

And I mean all day! Here's Monkey eating a little spaghetti. I don't know if he ended up with more in his tummy or on his face. He's at such a cute independent age. It melts my heart to see him doing so much on his own. But at the same time hurts my heart a little. He's my baby, he isn't supposed to be so big.

Oh! And GREAT news! Our cat returned home! And when I say return I mean I found him on someone's front yard getting ready to fight another cat! I think he missed the memo that he's declawed. I don't think he had ate very much if anything at all the time he was out. He's pretty bony and ran right to the food bowl as soon as he came in. Here's hoping he's here to stay now!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Keeping Cool!

July brought some pretty high temps in our area. We had more heat advisory days in July then we had all last summer! We tend to stay in on those days, which can make for some long days for these guys! I had to get creative on different 'projects' for them to do. I decided that I had had enough of being stuck in the house, so I took a bunch of different Tupperware containers, filled then with water and food colouring and left them in the fridge for a few days. I waited for one of the cooler days, I put the boys in their swim suits and we went out to build! They loved these slippery building blocks. Not only were they building with them, but they were colouring on their tummies, legs, arms and of course each other with the coloured ice cubes It was only about 30 minutes before they were too melted or broken apart to play with, but it was the best 30 minutes of out day that day!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Summer 2012 Recap

So here's where our Summer started! June 28 was Bear's last day of Jr. Kindergarten. It's still hard to believe he has his first year of 'big boy' school under his belt! I'm so proud of how well he did his first year! He adjusted so well. And now here it is the end of August and we're heading into his second year! He's going to be going full time this year. Last year he went every other day, this year our school is starting Full Day Kindergarten. So Monday-Friday my biggest little man will be at school! I'm not going to lie, the past 2 months of no lunches, no really morning round ups has been bliss. I'm REALLY not looking forward to packing lunches again ;) 
As soon as he got off the bus that afternoon, we were loaded to go camping! This is one of our favorite family activities. We stayed 4 nights over Canada Day weekend. What long weekend would be complete without fireworks, campfires, and sparklers. It was a weekend full of red, white, and the maple leaf. We had great sites, right at the pool! We went with my parents, my sister and her family and one of my brothers and his family. The boys loved all the time with their cousins.

The middle of July brought a small day trip! I purchased tickets for 'A Day Out With Thomas'. This is something we did with Bear when he was almost 3. Monkey is BIG into Thomas and trains right now, so we knew they would love it. The best part is they had no idea where we were going until we got there! We woke them up bright and early and told them that we were going for a car ride. Monkey doesn't really say much, so he was just kind of along for the ride. When we got there and parked the car, we told them and you would have thought we told them we had won the lotto.

The end of July this Mommy packed her bags and went to Las Vegas! I met up with friend of mine who lives across the country. We took in as many sights as we could for the 4 days we were there. We went up the Eiffel Tower at Paris, watched the water show at Billagio, the volcanos at The Mirage, the pirate show at Treasure Island, plus all the people watching! We also saw some fantastic shows! Two Cirque shows; O and Love and also Donny and Marie! I sure hope my husband ages as well as Donny! WOWSER! If you've never been to Las Vegas it's one of those places that you need to see before you die. The people watching alone is worth it!
I always know summer's coming to an end when we celebrate my birthday. This year was my last 20th birthday. Bear and Monkey surprised me with a delicious chocolate fudge crunch ice cream cake from DQ and somg gift certificates to go shopping for myself!

Our summer has ended with some heart break though, our 7 year old cat ran away last Friday morning and we have yet to find him :( Monkey doesn't really understand, but comes out with us and yells for the cat. Bear gets a little sad at night. We do have the brother here and Bear keeps on telling him 'It's okay, I'll be your brother now' So heartwarming <3