Thursday, December 6, 2012

T'was the Month of Christmas...

And all through the house, all the creatures were stirring, even our ELF! Saturday morning when our boys woke up they found 'Chippy' our 'Elf on The Shelf' perched in our tree. They were so excited when the noticed him sitting in there. But not nearly as excited as I was ;) There's nothing better then when they're not listening to remind them that Chippy's watching and he will fly back to the North Pole and tell Santa just what they're up to!

So far Chippy's been pretty kind to us. He's been in our tree, in a bowl of marshmallows, perched in various places in our living room, and this morning we woke up to find him back in the tree. This time with a roll of toilet paper! Monkey was a littttle thrown off as to why there was toilet paper all over the Christmas tree. And than the thought it was pretttty funny! Bear was sure that I had done it, then he saw Chippy and was a tad annoyed that he had done that to our tree lol. Do you have a little North Pole visitor come by your place?