Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Squishy Baff!

The nice weather is FINALLY here!! This past weekend was Victoria Day weekend. If you don't know what that means, it means summer has arrived!!! This winter seemed especially long for some reason. Maybe because it SNOWED on Mother's Day! Less then a week later, the kids were outside in swim suits or even less at times ;)

 Have you seen Squishy Baff advertised on TV? We've been seeing it for a while now, and Bear's been bugging for us to get some. There was no way I was wanting it in my house! But I'll admit it, it looked fun and I knew they would love it, I knew we had to try it. My brother gave us a little pool when Bear was a baby and it's been tucked away for a while because they've been too big. I thought that would be a perfect size! They had SO much fun with this! I picked up a 5 pack at Walmart for around $20. The best part about it being outside. If they don't get it all filled up with grass and dirt, it lasts and with this size, you only need 1/2 the package! I did use the whole package and it was reallllllly thick!

 They had so much fun jumping in it, laying down in it, and rubbing on themselves! It was realllly cold to start off with! After a while I think they were just numb lol. Thank goodness it was warm out! They played in it for probably a solid hour! I left it out, and they would come and go most of the afternoon. Ours was pretty grody when they were done, so I just dissolved it and dumped it. There was a lot on the grass so it didn't all get dissolved, but my husband raked it up and then shoveled it up...eww right! lol We will for sure do this again over the summer! I'm wrapping up today's post with what is probably my favorite picture of the two of them ever!! I said to my mom, it makes me just want to pinch their cheeks until they bleed!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What Else Has Been Going On!

Yesterday I updated on what's been going on with Monkey over last 6-9 months. Today is all about Bear! Bear is your typical 5 year old. He's pushing his limits and testing his boundaries. We live in a small town, like really small lol. My parents live across town and he's forever thinking he can just walk on over to their place or to the library all by himself. Ya, dream on kid lol.

He lost his first tooth in February! It was such a happy day for him, and a sad day for me. He's really growing up. He's been looking forward to losing teeth for probably a year now. Here we do 2 years of kindergarten, JK & SK. So last year when he was in JK and the SK's started losing teeth, he was wanting his to come out too! Finally in September he had a tooth that was a tiny bit wiggly. That was good enough for him! Finally after Christmas is was pretty loose. One day in February while he was eating an apple and not really paying attention to what he was doing, he bite into the apple just right and the tooth was pretty much out! He was a little freaked out because there was blood. Finally once he calmed down he remembered the tooth fairy would be coming! I had ordered one of these just after Christmas. I love that I can fill in the date. It's not going to mean much to him right now, if ever, but it will to me!

We're getting closer to the end of the school year for him. I'm excited to have him home with us for the summer. Just this morning I had to wake him up so he wouldn't miss the bus, I hate waking him up :( We're on a count down now, I think there's only like 30 days left? Something like that! YAY!!! Blow is a picture of him out for a little spin on his new wheels! I know, I know, he needs a helmet, and he does have one, just not on in that picture.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Where Have We Been?

It's been a crazy 6 months here in Mommyland. Well really, if I'm going to be completely honest, 9 months. Last summer was really rough for us with Monkey. Which in part is why I started this blog. I wanted to document all the fun stuff we did. That way I could look back and say, see, it wasn't all so bad. And I sort of wanted to prove to myself that I still had it all together and was being a great mom. Truth is, we were falling apart. Monkey was having sever meltdowns, temper tantrums that would last hours - no lie, HOURS! Sometimes we were puzzled as to what even started it. I would wake up in the morning praying to God to help me get through the day without reaching my limit.

Towards the end of the summer, I knew that we were dealing with something more then the terrible twos. I of course, like all mom's turned to Dr. Google. I spent probably a good month reading blogs, and advice sites on different behavior disorders in children before I even mentioned it to my husband. He knew that days at home were hard, but I really think he thought I was exaggerating. So after a good month of reading and realizing things that I thought were just Mason, like hitting his head off of walls, and jumping all day. Like not just jumping up and down playing. I mean legit jumping up and down all day, hopping through the house rather then walking, for entire days. I noticed that he wasn't doing these in playful manors, more doing it without realizing.

Long story short(ish) ;) I started reading about something called Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). In the fall Monkey had another speech assessment, he has a bit of a speech delay and they wanted to see what improvements he had made since his last one. While we were there, I talked to them about my concerns and they said that it sounded like I was on the right track. What a relief! I know boys will be boys, but this was just so much more.

Shortly after the new year we met with an occupational therapist to go over what we were experiencing at home. After talking with me for about 15 minutes she confirmed that it was SPD. Her and I chatted for about an hour while Mason played, melted down, and played lol. When we left, I had a whole list of suggestions for things to try at home. Slowly he started to hit his head less and less! YAY! Today, I can honestly tell you that I don't remember the last time he did it! His jumping has slowed down, to a more manageable amount. Which was one of my goals when he started Occupational Therapy (OT)

So that's where we've been! I'll be back tomorrow with an update on Bear! Below is a recent picture of my funny little man! I seriously adore this kid!