Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Feeding the Birds

This weekend was Thanksgiving here in Canada. While the weekend was full of food, family, and friends,  we managed to fit in some crafting! It's just recently that bear has decided that sitting down and making something isn't so bad after all! Yesterday, which was actually Thanksgiving, we decided that the birds needed to eat too! The boys enjoyed the peanut butter part. I think they maybe ate more then they put on the toilet paper rolls ;)

The one at the top is Monkey's, the one to the right is Bear's. Monkey needed a little bit of help spreading the peanut butter. But all in all it was pretty simple for them.

Now this Mama was thinking! We tell the boys that the birds work for Santa, that they watch the kids and then fly to the North Pole and tell Santa what they're doing! We do have an Elf on the Shelf that comes here in December that does the same thing, but these birds work all year! So with the birds being out in front of the house at their feeders, it will give me a better chance to bribe, if you will, them into better behavior! Look a moms gotta do what a moms gotta do!

As far as Thanksgiving, Monkey doesn't really say much, so when you ask him what he's thankful for he just yells some jibberish. Bear was thankful for dogs and stuffing! He brought a 'Thankful Tree' home from school Friday and he wrote that he was Thankful for flowers, trees, friends, cats, and stuffing! Ummm what about family?! I guess not, eh!